Track your trade-in
- Request for trade-in submitted
- Trade-in shipped
- Trade-in received
- Item(s) processed
- Trade-in complete
Trade-In Details
Estimated credit
Giftcard estimate
Trade-In FAQs
How much will my gift card be worth?
Onward is all about circularity and taking full responsibility for the afterlife of our products. We do this by enabling you to trade in clean, gently-used On gear. We simply ask that it functions perfectly and is in good condition. For every eligible On item you trade in, we'll give you a gift card with credit to use on and Onward. Just like cash, trade-in gift cards don't expire. The gift card value will depend on the category of the item, which you'll find below:
- Shoes: $30 credit
- Shorts, Tops & T-shirts: $10 credit
- Pants, Tights & Vests: $20 credit
- Hoodies & Sweatshirts: $20 credit
- Jackets: $40 credit
- Parkas: $55 credit
Will my product be returned if not accepted?
Unfortunately, if the gear you send us is not eligible for trade-in, we're unable to return it to you. But not to worry – we're always looking for the next best use for items we can’t accept or sell. In most cases, they will be donated or recycled. Please note that the evaluation of an item/s condition is at our discretion.
How long will it take to receive my trade-in credit?
Once we receive your trade-in, we'll need 7-10 business days to process it. If eligible, you'll receive a digital gift card to use on your next purchase on Onward or the On web shop. The credit amount will depend on the category of the item(s) that you've traded in.